National Southern Media Authority reviews with Department of Studies and Researches coordination in research field

The Vice Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, head of radio and television sector, Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, met on Thursday, with Dr. Mohammed Jaafar, head of the Studies and Researches Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council.
Al-Yafei welcomed Dr. Mohammed Jaafar, pointing out that media work has always been a positive window for all useful fields, including studies and researches, stressing the importance of coordination and joint cooperation to highlight researching issues and scientific studies and deliver them through an appropriate media message to citizens.
The meeting discussed the importance of media work in the field of studies and researches and enhancing the process of highlighting valuable studies important to society.
The meeting reviewed ways of coordinating research with media work to keep abreast of developments in the field of researching studies and work to promote studies through media to seek development in various fields.
Dr. Mohammed Jaafar expressed his happiness at meeting the Vice Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, wishing for continued communication and joint cooperation for everything that would benefit the South and its people.