NSMA Head Lauds Trailblazer Jazoulette Positions in Voicing the Cause of People of the South

Mr. Salem Thabet Al-Awlaqi, Head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA) assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the official spokesman of the STC, met today, Wednesday, in his office at the headquarters of NSMA in the capital, Aden, with Moroccan academic Professor Dr. Tawfiq Jazoulette, accompanied by Mr. Lotfi Shatara, Head of the Research and Decision Support Center (RDSC) of the STC.
In the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafe’y, deputy head of NSMA, Mr. Al-Awlaqi welcomed the Moroccan academic and media veteran, Dr. Tawfiq Jazoulette, in his visit to the capital, Aden, and to the South, nearly thirty years after his coverage of the heinous war on the South in the summer of 1994, expressing the appreciation of all the people of the South for the positions of this trailblazer and brave Arab journalist who clearly and unequivocally embodies the right of the people of the South to restore their state.
Al-Awlaqi discussed with Jazoulette the recent developments of the situation in the South and the region in light of Houthi piracy on international shipping lanes, expressing the position of the STC in support of the concerted efforts of the international community in combating terrorism both on land and at sea and supporting the peace path in the country.
For his part, Dr. Jazoulette offered his sincere thanks to the people of the South for the warm welcome and feelings of affection and deep gratitude that he met in the blessed and pure land of the South, indicating that his positions in support of the unrelenting struggles of the southern people emanated from the justice of their cause and from their inherent right to restore their state and realize the aspirations of their children in a civil and federal state after a journey of utter suffering and uncompromising struggle.
Dr. Jazoulette pointed out the paramount importance of expanding the media discourse of the South so that it reaches the Arab and international media to explain the justice of this cause and the aspirations of this people for a dignified and stable life in an independent, sovereign state of the South.
At the end of the meeting, the head of NSMA presented Professor Dr. Jazoulette with the NSMA’s shield in appreciation of his positions in support of the cause of the people of the South over three decades, revealing the facts of the crimes of the North invasion and occupation forces in the 1994 war, and looking forward to continuing these efforts in spreading the aspirations and goals of the people of the South in establishing an independent federal civil state of the South.