NSMA Holds Periodic Meeting and Discusses Work Plans of its Sectors

The National Southern Media Authority (NSMA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held Today, Sunday, its periodic meeting, chaired by Mr. Salem Thabet Al-Awlaqi, head of NSMA.
Mr. Al-Awlaqi started the meeting with an opening speech in which he asserted that the current stage requires a mindfulness-oriented media discourse soundly driven by comprehending the requirements of this stage.
Al-Awlaki pointed out that the recent achievements of the STC and the grand success of the Southern Consultative Meeting and its outcomes represented in the National Charter double the role of the southern media in facing challenges and dealing objectively with all the files on the ground, affirming that NSMA will positively work to highlight the efforts of the STC in all fields to fulfill the aspirations of the people of the South.
The meeting discussed the work plans of the media sectors of the STC during the next stage and the activities and initiatives that the sectors will work on in implementation of the orientations of the Council.
The meeting also touched on a range of topics and issues related to the activities of NSMA during the upcoming period in light of the recommendations of the Presidium of the STC directed to NSMA.