Official Source: Drones Launched from the 1st District Attacked the Dabba Port

An official source told “South24 Center” that some of the drones that targeted the Dabba oil port were launched from sites belonging to the First Military District in Hadramout Desert.
According to the source, one of the drones exploded after it failed to launch, killing soldiers of the First Military District in Wadi Hadramout.
On November 23, two soldiers were killed and three others were wounded from the 23rd Brigade of the First Military District in Al-Abr district.
Media outlets close to the First Military District claimed that a Houthi drone launched an attack that killed the soldiers. The governor of Hadramout also sent his condolences.
The Dabba oil port in As-Shihr district on the Hadramout Coast was subjected to two drone attacks during the arrival of oil cargo ships, the attacks were later claimed by the Houthis.
On October 21, drones attacked the oil port for the first time since the outbreak of the war, and it was repeatedly attacked on November 21, causing significant damage.
“South24 Center” could not confirm the validity of this information from Houthi sources.
In a related context, the Chief of Staff of the First Military District, Yahya Abu Auja, threatened Hadramis, who are calling for the departure of his forces from the governorate.
The Northern military commander, who belongs to the “Hashed” tribe, which holds influence over the oil sector, said that the Riyadh agreement signed in late 2019 did not stipulate for the removal of the First Military District’s forces from Wadi Hadramout.
Abu Auja accused the STC in Hadramout of attempting to create chaos, saying to a local channel affiliated with the Yemeni Islah Party: “We will be on the lookout for them.”
The First Military District deployed in the oil-rich Wadi Hadramout includes a number of brigades made up of soldiers from North Yemen, which is under the Houthis-control.
The forces has not participated in any battles since before 2015, and it faces accusations of being linked to AQAP and the Houthis and protecting influential people in the oil sector.