South Arabia

One Officer Dead Under Savage Torture in Muslim Brotherhood Prison in Mareb

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Mareb – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Media sources indicated that an army officer of Hady’s army was killed under savage torture in a prison under control of Muslim Brotherhood in Mareb.
Captain “Daifullah Harshal Al-Mutawa” was dead under savage torture in an isolated prison because of his demands to be paied his monthly salary suspended by Brigadier Nagy Manif, commander of military police in Mareb.
Sources indicated that commander of military police ordered four soldiers to take turns on torturing Al-Mutawa with other fellow prisoners till he died.
It is noteworthy that commander of military police in Mareb ordered detention of captain Daifullah Harshal Al-Mutawa and other soldiers because they demanded payment of their suspended salaries.

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