Popular campaign to raise flags of the South in the cities of Hadramout valley

The cities of Hadramout valley, on Tuesday, witnessed the launch of a wide popular campaign to raise the flags of the state of the South, in conjunction with the popular escalation of rejecting the existence of the forces of the First Military Region in Hadramout valley.
The campaign spread in a number of cities in Hadramout Valley, with wide participation, as citizens wrote slogans condemning the survival of the elements and remnants of the North Yemeni occupation in Hadramout Valley, and calls for implementing the military part of the Riyadh Agreement.
The people of the Valley of Hadramout continue the popular escalation in the streets, affirming the identity of the southern Hadramout, and rejecting Yemenization and extraneous and imaginary projects, calling for the speedy liberation of Hadramout Valley from the forces of terrorism and extremism.