South Arabia

Preparatory Commission of Adan Cultural Folklore Festival 2018 Determines the Date of its First Preparatory Meeting

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive – Aad Noman [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Preparatory commission of Adan cultural folklore festival 2018 determined Monday January 22nd, 2018 as a date for its first preparatory meeting on 4:00 pm in the historic Minaret of Adan in Kriter. Chairman of the commission, Wadia Aman, invited all NGOs, activists and youth initiatives in addition to artists, creators and gifted in Adan to attend the meeting to discuss the preliminary vision of the festival program. He added that participation is open to everyone. The festival, to be held in “Fan City” garden, will include nine exhibitions for photography, painting, historic books and historic costumes in addition to a special charity Bazar for housewives’ production. The festival will include folk and cultural shows and interactive entertainment activities in addition to distributing gifts and prizes. The preparatory commission expects that this season will be more distinguished compared to the two previous seasons due to the efforts of holding the festival and dedicating it to families only in addition to new creative ideas. Adan Cultural Folklore Festival is self-financed by Adan Center for National Heritage. The festival held two previous editions in Sahareej Al-Tawila and witnessed noticeable public attendance.

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