Presidency of Southern Transitional Council confirms its rejection of other side’s continuation of issuing unilateral decisions

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Monday, headed by Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Acting President of the Council, Chairman of the National Assembly.
At the meeting, the Presidency commended the courageous and responsible proposal made by the negotiating team of the Southern Transitional Council, headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Transitional Council, to address the economic conditions, and the collapse of the currency value, and elimination of corruption and terrorism hotspots in the central and local state agencies, and changing corrupt officials and holding them accountable.
The Presidency expressed its absolute rejection of the continued issuance of unilateral decisions by the other party to obstruct the negotiation process for the implementation of the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement, sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, calling for immediate abolition of those decisions to make the negotiation process successful.
The Presidency congratulated the masses of our southern people and the heroes of their armed and security forces, in all honorable positions of defending their security and stability , on the occasion of 54th anniversary of the National Independence Day of the South, stressing the continuation of the struggle to get the second independence for the South and its people to restore their independent state with its full sovereignty.
In its meeting, the Presidency reviewed a report on latest developments in Abyan governorate in light of a report submitted by the member of the Presidency, Brigadier General Pilot Nasser Ahmed Al-Saadi, in which he summarized the results of his field trip to the governorate and his meeting with the local leadership in the governorate, stressing the need to work with the leadership of the local authority in the governorate to stop selling state property and settling displaced people on state lands in the governorate.
In a related context, the Presidency stressed the responsibility of the military and security leaders to protect the state’s lands, foremost of which is Aden Water Basin, and approved directing memorandums to the military leaders whose names or the names of groups of their units were repeated in cases of lands assault, holding them fully responsible for any actions harms security in the capital, Aden, and other governorates of the South.
In this context, the Presidency stressed the need to expedite the formation of the security unit specialized in the file of protecting state lands, and get it prepared to carry out its tasks as soon as possible in restoring looted lands, and apprehend all those involved, stressing its absolute support for the formation of this force and its subordination to the leadership of the local authority.
The Presidency also recommended, the Secretary-General, the governor of the capital, Aden, to include leaders of executive bodies and offices concerned with working in lands in his upcoming meeting with leaders of judicial and parliamentary bodies to assist the specialized security unit to perform its tasks legally and independently that prevents any influence or obstruction in the performance of its tasks.
In its meeting, the Presidency also discussed a number of other reports related to the organizational and administrative aspects of the work of the bodies of the Southern Transitional Council, and approved what was needed in their regard.