South Arabia

Presidency of Southern Transitional Council holds its periodic meeting headed by President Al-Zubaidi


The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, on Thursday, held its periodic meeting, headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Council.

The meeting was attended by the ministers of the Council in the government of power-sharing, and the governor of the capital, Aden, in which the Presidency of the Council renewed its welcome to the return of the prime minister to the capital, Aden, stressing the full support of the Transitional Council for his efforts, working for the service of peace and stability, and meeting the basic and necessary needs for the people, including activating state institutions, providing various public services and addressing economic conditions in all respects.

The Presidency of the Council listened to two briefings on the latest developments in the governorates of Shabwa and Abyan, presented by members of the Presidency of the Council, Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki, and Brigadier General Pilot Nasser Ahmed Al-Saadi, stressing the need for the southern armed forces to remain in a state of maximum readiness, and to continue to mobilize efforts to confront the invading Houthi militia, and all attempts to occupy the South and subjugate it.

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council praised the high awareness expressed by the southern people, which thwarted the attempts of all hostile forces to provoke chaos and destabilize the capital, Aden, and all governorates of the South.

At the conclusion of its meeting, the Presidency of the Council stood before a number of reports related to the latest political situation in the governorates of the South, reviewing in the context the analytical report submitted by the Decision-Making Support Center in this regard, in addition to the bi-monthly report on the performance of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council and the activities of its departments .

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