South Arabia

Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council Completes Preparations of the 50th Anniversary of 30th November.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Presidency of the southern transitional council completed final preparations for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 30th November Independence Day. Events will be held in Kriter – Adan. Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the council called for all southern people to mobilize to Adan and participate in the events actively. Presidency of the council asserted the importance of solidarity among all southern people against corruption of this failure government and indicated that the southern people can face all challenges together. In addition, the presidency indicated that the council is committed with supporting southern people against this corruption.
Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the council, and other members of the council met representatives of media agencies in a press conference. He asserted the importance that media men should commit to ethical principles of their career and not to do any harm to national interest as media should help building our nation instead of demolishing it.

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