South Arabia

Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council Issues A Statement Concerning Crisis in Aden and Southern Governorates

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer] Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its regular meeting on Sunday August 5th, 2018 to discuss the political, social and economic crises of Aden and other southern governorates. The meeting issued the following statement:
Statement of Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council during its regular meeting held on Sunday August 5th, 2018 to discuss the political, social and economic crises of Aden and other southern governorates.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious
In its regular meeting, presidency of the council discussed the economic, political and social crises suffocating Aden and other liberated southern governorates in addition to unprecedent security loose. We consider these acts as systematic and deliberately run for political intentions of subjugating the southern people, overwhelming his will and denying his legitimate rights of restoring his state on the borders of 1990 in addition to maintaining security, stability, dignified living and social comfort as all other peoples loving peace and security.
According to extensive discussions, the presidency thinks that these devastating fabricated crises in the south result from the corrupt government’s failure as this government lacks integrity and efficiency and never considers the principles of wise ruling. This is manifested in the following:
1. Inefficiency of coordination with the Arab Coalition to solve political and economic issues in spite of generous and unlimited support provided by the Arab Coalition in all fields.
2. Complete failure in providing citizens with necessary services of dignified living in addition to deliberate impoverishment of the society through allowing deterioration of national currency in site of financial cover provided by Arab Coalition, especially Saudi Arabia.
3. Ineffective use of generous grants provided by Saudi Arabia, UAE and other friend countries to improve living conditions and services. Instead, this ineffective use led to deterioration of services and living conditions as this unwise government deliberately spent monetary grants on disrupting economic and social security and buying loyalties.
4. This severe deterioration of all political, economic, social and security aspects of public life results from irresponsiveness of decision makers and their unaccepted arrogance against public demands expressed peacefully in January 2018 demonstrations when the council appealed to all local, regional and international parties to interfere and respond to public demands of dismissing this corrupt government and forming a national efficiencies government that enjoys integrity to solve this crisis and restore security and stability which in turn could have been reflected upon major successes in battel fronts.
Today, presidency of the council is observing carefully what is happening on the ground of oppression, humiliation, impoverishment, terrorizing, disruption of security, denying civil rights and pushing the whole society to full collapse. These issues led the public to a massive state of anger manifested in peaceful demonstrations on the roads and streets to express the public desire to gain political rights as a determinant solution for all the aforementioned crises and to restore the public right of living in security and dignity.
Presidency of the council asserts full solidarity with rightful public demands and the public right of peaceful expression of anger and resentment. The council declares full responsibility of adopting these demands and advocating them in all local, regional and international arenas. The council will never allow any harm to demonstrators or using force against them by all means.
The southern transitional council thinks that all these fabricated crises are the result of overcoming and ignoring the determinant solution of the southern cause based on the roots of historic mistake of union after 1994 war and it accumulative effects till the revolution of the southern movement, Al-Houthis/Saleh coup against president Hady’s authority, second occupation war in 2015, liberation of the south by southern armed forces that fought terrorism and finally the Storm of Determination launched by the Arab Coalition. These stages of struggle, since 1994. Resulted in forming the southern resistance and the southern transitional council delegated by the southern people as a political carrier of the southern cause. All this led to new reality on the ground that defines a political path that can never be ignored with any political party of the current crisis, as permanent solution should include restoration of the sovereign southern state on the borders of May 21st, 1990.
Finally, Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council salutes every citizen of our southern people who are demonstrating in squares. We all pray for victory of our soldiers in battel fronts. We hope for mercy to our martyrs who sacrificed their lives along all stages of struggle. We hope for quick healing for our heroes who were injured and freedom for our brave captives in prisons of Al-Houthi militias.
Glory to the Southern People
Peace be Upon you
Aden – August 5th, 2018.

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