South Arabia

Presidency of the Transitional Council: All attempts to subjugate people of the South will fail as its predecessors failed


The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, on Monday, held its periodic meeting, headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Council.

The Presidency of the Council, during the meeting, which was attended by the Council’s ministers in the power-sharing government, and the governor of the capital, Aden, reviewed at length the catastrophic conditions that are accumulating day after day, due to the horrific collapse in the value of the local currency, resulting from the frivolous policies of the administration of the Central Bank, and the government’s absence from performing its tasks from the capital, Aden, for the sixth month in a row.

The Presidency of the Council held the administration of the Central Bank of Yemen, the Prime Minister, and the ministers residing abroad, fully responsible for these collapses, and the resulting catastrophic living conditions and devastating economic crises, stressing that all of these come in the context of the full-fledged war, and deliberate policies aiming to bring the people of the proud South to their knees, and to provoke chaos in the liberated governorates of the South.

The Presidency stressed that the continued deterioration of service conditions and the deterioration of the local currency in the governorates of the South, especially in the capital, Aden, serves only the main and common enemy, represented by the Houthi terrorist group that is Iran’s arm in Yemen, stressing that the failure of the power-sharing government to perform its duties is a clear renunciation of its responsibility and commitment stipulated in accordance with the decision of its formation.

The Presidency affirmed that the Southern Transitional Council, in all its bodies, stands with the people of the South and its options in the face of this destructive approach, and that the Council, along with all the honorable people of the South, will do everything in their power to serve the South, its people, land, and cause.

The Presidency has taken a number of measures that would inform the allies of what the situation has become as a result of those collapses, stressing that the Southern Transitional Council will only be upon the trust of the people of the South, and victorious for the people’s will and their right to live with dignity and honor.

In the military matter, the Presidency of the Council renewed its warning of the new invasion targeting the South, calling for the continuation of general mobilization, lining together, raising the degree of readiness, and preparing for the fateful war facing the South, and also renewed the covenant to the people of the South that the Southern Transitional Council and the Southern Armed Forces and with them all the honorable and steadfast people of the South, with all their strength and capabilities, will confront all attempts of invasion, and all attempts to subjugate the people of the South, and the Transitional Council, will not succeed, and will fail as its predecessors failed.

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council also discussed a number of briefings related to military developments in the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, in addition to a briefing by the Head of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs on developments on the regional and international arenas.

At the conclusion of its meeting, the Presidency of the Council stood before a number of organizational and administrative issues related to the work of some of the Council’s bodies, and took the necessary measures in this regard.

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