South Arabia

Presidency of Transitional Council reviews developments in Aden the capital and governorates of Shabwa, Abyan and Al-Mahra


The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held a meeting today, Thursday, headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Council.

In the meeting, which was attended by the Council’s ministers in the government of power-sharing, the Presidency stood before the latest developments in the capital, Aden, praising the steps taken by the local authority to control prices and regulate buying and selling process in markets.

At the same time, the Presidency stressed the need to continue the campaign to remove random developments in the neighborhoods of Crater city, stressing its support for the local authority led by Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, the Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Council, which would address the general conditions, services, and establish security in Aden the capital.

The Presidency listened to a report submitted by the member of the Presidency of the Council, Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki, which included a full review of the field developments in Shabwa governorate, and the danger threatening it in light of the continued weakness of the Muslim Brotherhood militias, and their lack of seriousness in confronting the Houthi militias and their obvious complicity with them through un justified withdrawals in the fronts of Bayhan and Usaylan.

The meeting also reviewed the report submitted by the member of the Presidency of the Council, Brigadier General Pilot Nasser Ahmed Al-Saadi, regarding the latest field developments on the fronts of Thera and Mukairas in Abyan governorate, in light of the Houthi mobilization from the side of the Yemeni governorate of Al-Bayda, and the continued intransigence of the Brotherhood militias affiliated with the framework of Yemeni legitimacy, and its lack of seriousness in confronting the Houthi militia lurking in the governorate.

In addition, the meeting reviewed a detailed report presented by a member of the Presidency, Saeed Mohammad Saadan, on the latest developments in Al-Mahra governorate, and the suspicious movements of members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and others linked to Iran, with the aim of destabilizing security and stability in the governorate.

The Presidency of the Council condemned, in this context, the continued withdrawal of the Brotherhood, which controls the decision of Yemeni legitimacy, of its members from the confrontation areas in Marib and their resettlement in Al-Mahra governorate, at a time when the military units, the majority of which are southerners, are involved in fighting on the fronts.

In another matter, the Presidency discussed a report on the performance of the power-sharing government during the past period, reiterating the need for all ministers to return to work from the capital, Aden, and to assume their responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement regarding the formation of the government.

Organizationally, the meeting dealt with a number of issues related to the work of the various council bodies and committees, and took the necessary measures in this regard.

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