President Al-Zoubaidi with UAE Ambassador Get briefed on Achievement Level at Solar Power Plant in the Capital, Aden

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zoubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), along with His Excellency Ambassador Mohammed Hamad Al Zaabi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the country, was briefed on the level of work completed in the 120 MW solar power plant project in the capital, Aden, provided by the UAE.
It took place during a field visit they made on Wednesday, accompanied by the Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, to the site in Bir Ahmed area, where President Al-Zoubaidi and Ambassador Al-Zaabi listened to the Minister of Electricity, Mane’a bin Yameen, and the engineers of the implementing company, who gave a detailed explanation of the completion percentage of the project, the quality and specifications of the used materials, which are compatible with the highest internationally approved standards, in addition to the remaining time period for project completion and the expected date to start generating renewable and clean energy.
During his meeting with representatives of the implementing company and the consulting team, President Al-Zoubaidi stressed the importance of redoubling efforts to complete the project to the fullest extent within the constraints of schedule, working on qualifying a technical team of local competencies to manage the project in the post-implementation phase, and performing periodic maintenance work, affirming that this vital project, implemented for the first time in our country, is a gateway to major projects that the country will witness in the field of generating energy from renewable and clean sources, most notably solar and wind energy.
President Al-Zoubaidi reiterated his thanks and gratitude to the brothers in the UAE for their sincere fraternal positions with our people and their unwavering support for our country in the humanitarian and development fields, asserting that these true positions will definitely remain entrenched in the conscience of our people.
At the end of the visit, President Al-Zoubaidi and Ambassador Al-Zaabi, accompanied by the Governor of the capital, Aden, and the Minister of Electricity, toured the site of the solar power plant, which is being built on a total area of 1.6 million square meters, becoming familiar with the percentage of completion in concreting short piles and installation array tables, and underscoring the high pace of completing the installation of the panels and connecting them to the network to bring the plant into service as soon as possible.