South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Asserts Supporting Efforts Finding Permanent Solution to Problem of Displacement

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), met on Sunday evening with Mr. Najeeb Al-Saadi, Head of the Executive Unit for the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons).

During the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi was briefed by Al-Saadi on the nature of the activities of the executive unit for the IDPs and its role as a link between government authorities and international organizations operating in this sector to find permanent solutions to this problem.

Mr. Al-Saadi reviewed a range of mechanisms that are being studied by the concerned international organizations to move from emergency action to permanent solutions to the problem of displacement.

President Al-Zubaidi reiterated his support for all efforts being made to permanently solve the problem of displacement because of the many negative effects and burdens that have been left on the local authorities in the liberated areas, stressing the importance of the suggested solutions being in line with the requirements and reality of the host community.

At the end of the meeting, the president called on the executive unit of the IDPs to exert more efforts and coordinate with the concerned international organizations to encourage voluntary return to safe areas by supporting programs to provide livelihoods, implementing development projects, and other measures that encourage the IDPs to return, as it is the best possible solution to this problem at the moment.

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