South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Briefed on General Situation in Shabwa Governorate

The president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Sunday, lauded the national positions and struggling roles of people of Shabwa since launching the trigger of the southern revolution,

The president Al-Zubaidi pointed out, in the meeting with the head of the local leadership executive body

of the STC in Shabwa governorate Brigadier General Ali Ahmad Al-Jabwani, that Shabwa has been and will remain flank of the South and its historical and strategic depth, assured what people of Shabwa has been sacrificing and proffering of active participation and contributions in all the crucial turns of the southern revolution; the last of which was the mass rally in Ataq (the capital of Shabwa) commemorating the 28th anniversary of disengagement day, will surely be remained a source of pride to all people of the South,

During the meeting, the president Al-Zubaidi listened from Brigadier General Al-Jabwani, to a detailed explaination on the overall situation in Shabwa governorate, as well as the activities and programs that have been implemented by the local leadership of the executive body of the STC in the governorate during the past period.

The president stressed on the necessitate need to dedicate the planned activities and programs in all aspects with a direct concern to lives of citizens, as well as continuing coordination with the local authority in the governorate to positively and beneficially be reflected on the citizens.

For his part, Brigadier General Al-Jabwani, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the president Al-Zubaidi on his keenness and focused attention to the performance of the whole local leadership executive bodies of the STC in Shabwa, in the same context, appreciating his continuous support and exerted efforts to boost the living of people of the governorate.

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