South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi chairs joint meeting of National Southern Media Authority, Media Information Department of the Secretariat and Media Committee of the Assembly

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, on Saturday, chaired a joint meeting of the National Southern Media Authority, the Media Information Department of the General Secretariat of the Council’s Presidency, and the Media Committee of the National Assembly.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi welcomed all the attendees, praising all the media efforts made during the past periods, stressing the importance of redoubling efforts more than before, especially in this fateful period that the south and its people are going through.

President Al-Zubaidi praised the national efforts of the southern media in all its forms, calling on for the need to strengthen media capabilities at home and abroad, and the importance of highlighting the justice of the southern cause, and the right of the people of the south to restore their civil state with its full sovereignty.

President Al-Zubaidi praised the awareness and culture of the activists on social media, stressing that they have been able to confront the huge media machine of the opponents of the south, and to break the media blackout that has been applied to the cause of the south and the southern revolution since its inception.

President Al-Zubaidi urged all southern media professionals to work proficiently and prudently, and to employ the media discourse in all its deliberative dimensions and to employ it against anyone who offends or writes against the south and its people.

President Al-Zubaidi stressed that: “The southern media is one of the authorities of the southern people, and one of the Council’s authorities that is described as the fourth authority, so the southern media must activate performance and raise the influential media skills, so that the speech can turn from verbal expressions in the world of journalistic discourse to achievement expressions in reality.”

President Al-Zubaidi stressed the necessity of coordinating media work between the National Southern Media Authority, the Media Information Department of the General Secretariat, the Media Committee of the National Assembly, and all southern media, in order to achieve the aspirations of the people of the South in restoring their state with its full sovereignty on the borders before May 21, 1990.

At the conclusion of his speech, President Al-Zubaidi, asked Allah to have mercy on the dean of the southern press, the late Mr. Hisham Bashraheel, as he was one of the pillars of the southern press from which media professionals should be inspired by the prudence of saying and the accuracy of meaning.

In turn, the official spokesman of the Transitional Council, Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, stressed that the role of the authority aims to unify the media discourse of the Council; in order to keep pace with the phase and all the events and situations, and the media discourse today creates events and adopts revolutionary visions and major national values, and its mission does not stop at the level of reporting news and responding to rumors.

Al-Kathiri pointed out that the Transitional Council has many tasks before it, as media is the first lever that supports the issue of the people of the south, and confronts rumors and responds to everything that detracts the issue of the south, or works to distort the facts.

For their part, the attendees stressed that media today creates public opinion, and it is no longer the traditional media, and it needs special language and distinctive writing that matches the views of the southern recipient and others, noting that the media professional has to realize the place in which the media statement used at, to every context a saying.

The attendees raised a number of issues and obstacles facing the work of the media department in the General Secretariat and the media committee in the National Assembly, and suggested solutions that would overcome those obstacles.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi directed to establish a mechanism for selecting and training media talents, motivating southern media professionals in all southern governorates, as well as activating the Media Institute, working on qualifying courses for media professionals, expanding media work, and being open to others.

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