South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi chairs meeting of Transitional Council Executive in Aden the capital and stresses on approaching citizens and their suffering

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, on Wednesday, chaired an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Body of the Local Leadership of the Transitional Council in the capital, Aden.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Council, Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, and two members of the Council Presidency; Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed, and Dr. Mona Awad Bashrahil, in which President Al-Zubaidi welcomed the executive body of the Transitional Council of the capital, Aden, praising the efforts made by it during the past period.

President Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of doubling the efforts, raising the organizational and practical capabilities to keep pace with the requirements of the stage, and working in a manner befitting the role of the capital of the South, Aden, to be a model for the rest of the governorates, calling at the same time, to unite with the people and communicate with them at various levels.

President Al-Zubaidi stressed the need for the impact of the activities of Aden’s executive to appear at this difficult political, economic and social stage, stressing that the country needs the solidarity of all, and exerting more national efforts, approaching citizens and their suffering as a national duty and not a job task, emphasizing that the Southern Transitional Council came from the people and for the people, and will do everything in its power to achieve their aspirations, and to end their suffering, and secure their lands from any invasion.

President Al-Zubaidi noted the need to deal in a leadership spirit and for everyone to have active positions in their national and revolutionary missions, and the importance of the bodies of the Transitional Council in the capital, Aden, to create a classy behavior in dealing with citizens, touching on their concerns and suffering, and strengthening southern cohesion, and brotherly bonds between the people of the capital, Aden, in particular, and the people of the South in general.

In turn, Eng. Nizar Haitham, Head of Transitional Council Executive in Aden the capital, expressed thanks to the President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, for providing this opportunity to meet with executive body of Aden and its districts, stressing the difficult situation that Aden is passing through, especially with the rise in prices and the deterioration of the currency, and its reflection on the living conditions of citizens in the capital and other governorates of the South.

The meeting discussed the problem of the displaced, the increasing in their number, and the attempts to recruit them by some forces hostile to the South and its cause, in order to cause chaos and disturb public peace, and to divert the course of peaceful protests, as happened in Aden the capital recently.

During the meeting, a number of proposals were presented, including the need to pay attention to the youth and activate them culturally, as well the talents and support them, and motivate young people and support them for production, and activate the role of mosque imams among the community.

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