South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Chairs Meeting with Commanders of Security Belts in Aden, Abyan and Lahij governorates

The president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, on Tuesday, chaired a meeting with commanders of the Security Belts in the capital, Aden, and governorates of Abyan and Lahij.

In the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, Secretary-General of the presidency of the STC, Minister of State, Governor of the capital Aden,

Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji, member of Presidency of the STC, head of the Negotiations Unit, the president Al-Zubaidi listened, from the commanders of the Security Belts, to a detailed explanation on the security conditions, each within his geographical scope, as well as the security plans are being implemented to maintain security, stability and public tranquility.

The president Al-Zubaidi praised the exerted efforts by all the security forces, foremost of which are the Security Belts, to maintain security, preventing the risk of terrorism, and providing stability in the capital, Aden, and the other governorates of the South.

The president Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of raising security vigilance and strengthening joint coordination among the security services, with all available efforts to impose authority of the State and confront all that threatens the security and stability of the South.

The president directed commanders of the security belts to focus on the drilling aspects, and to take advantage of all available technical means, to raise the efficiency of personnel and enhance their combat skills, to ensure implementing security tasks with skill and ability.

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