South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi congratulates leadership and people of the Republic of China on the occasion of centenary of Communist Party

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, sent on Wednesday, a message of congratulation to President Xi Jinping, President of the friendly People’s Republic of China, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

In his message, President Al-Zubaidi expressed his best congratulations to President Xi Jinping and to all the friendly Chinese people on this occasion, praising the great achievements of the Republic of China, in growth, prosperity and development in all fields, till reaching to the high position China has today globally.

In the message, President Al-Zubaidi touched on the historical relations between the people in the Republic of China and the people of the south, pointing to the keenness of the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council to develop this relationship and raise it to new and high levels, at all stages, for the benefit of the two friendly peoples.

At the conclusion of his message, President Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of the role played by the ‘s Republic of China in supporting the peace and stability process in the region, wishing the friendly Chinese leadership continuous progress and success, and the Communist Party and the Chinese nation further prosperity, development and growth.

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