President Al-Zubaidi directs officials to visit Yabli and provide him with necessary care

Upon directives of the President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, Dr. Salem Al-Shabhi, Head of the Medical Committee in the National Assembly of the Transitional Council, Acting President of Al-Jumhouria Teaching Hospital in Aden the capital, visited on Friday the well-known writer Najib Yabli, member of the National Southern Media Authority, Head of the Media Committee in the National Assembly, to inspect his health condition.
Al-Shabhi was accompanied in his visit by Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Kholaqi, Deputy Head of the Decision-Making Support Center, and Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Vice-Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector, Member of the National Southern Media Authority.
Dr. Al-Shabhi got briefed on his condition and decided for him the urgent necessary medications to revive his health and requested him to be transferred for treatment in any hospital to be under the care of doctors and nurses, and due to the family’s desire for Mr. Najeeb to stay in his home and under their care, Dr. Al-Shabhi assigned one of the medical staff at Al-Jumhuriya Hospital, to take care of the condition of Najib Yabli by virtue of his residence near him.
The delegation conveyed to Najib Yabli the wishes of the President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi for a speedy recovery and to take care of his treatment at home or to return to complete his treatment in Egypt, from which he returned at his request without completing the necessary treatment period due to his inability to bear the cold winter weather in Cairo, which led to his health deterioration, in which President Al-Zubaidi expressed his readiness to bear the travel expense on the Transitional Council as soon as his health improved and his ability to travel.