President Al-Zubaidi gets briefed by Judge Qaher Mustafa on work progress in Public Prosecution Offices

The President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, met on Tuesday, with the Prosecutor General
of the Republic, Judge Qaher Mustafa.
In the meeting, which was attended by Judge Sabah Alwani, member of the Supreme Judicial Council, President Al-Zubaidi listened from Judge Qaher Mustafa to a full explanation on the functioning of the prosecution offices in their various specializations, highlighting the difficulties facing the work of the prosecution offices and the judiciary in general, and possible mechanisms and ways to solve them.
In the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi affirmed the support of the Presidential Leadership Council for the Prosecutor General and the Supreme Judicial Council, and its readiness to overcome any difficulties that impede the progress of their work, in order to enable them to perform their duties impartially and independently.
For his part, Judge Qaher Mustafa expressed his thanks and gratitude to President Al-Zubaidi for the attention he gives to the judiciary, and his keenness to overcome any difficulties facing the course of its work.