President Al-Zubaidi Gets Briefed on Workflow at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), met today, Monday, with Dr. Waed Badheeb, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation (MPIC) and Acting Minister of Communications and Information Technology (CIT).
During the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi was briefed by Minister Badheeb on the progress of work at the Ministry of the CIT, efforts to develop the communications and information technology sector, enhance performance in the ministry’s affiliated corporations and institutions, and raise the capabilities of its staff.
President Al-Zubaidi also listened to Dr. Badheeb, who gave an explanation of the level of achievement in a number of projects implemented in the communications sector, and the ministry’s plans aimed at encouraging investment in this sector and all its institutions.
President Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of redoubling efforts to develop the communications sector as per ambitious strategic plans that keep pace with the rapid development in this vital sector.
For his part, Dr. Badheeb expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the great efforts made by President Al-Zubaidi to ease the difficulties facing the work of the Ministry of Communications and to support the ministry’s leadership in its efforts to develop the sector and enhance the work of its affiliated institutions.
The meeting was attended by Major General Kamal Hamshari, member of the STC’s Presidium and Director of the President’s Office, Eng. Wael Tarmoum, general manager of the Public Telecommunication Corporation for Land and Wireless Telecommunications, Eng. Mansour Al-Waleedi, Director General of Aden Net TeleCommunications, Eng. Abdulsalam Al-Salfi, CEO of the “TeleYemen” company, Chairman of the General Postal Authority Sami Al-Barti, and Eng. Ghamdan Al-Anshli, Deputy Director of the “Aden Net” project.