President Al-Zubaidi Gets Briefed on Workflow in Aden University

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), deputy chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, on Wednesday, met at his office, in Aden the capital, with Dr. Al-Khadr Lasuar, Chancellor of the University of Aden.
President Al-Zubaidi listened from Dr. Al-Khadr to a satisfied explanation on workflow at the University of Aden, its colleges, and faculties in the capital of Aden and other governorates, in addition to several concerned topics and issue related to the university’s work, its academic education and ways that could contribute to advance the role of this vital academic institution.
President Al-Zubaidi affirmed that the university has been and will remain a distinct academic edifice through annual-class graduation of excellent students and high-level researchers in all fields, stressing the importance of taking advantage of painstaking and pioneering researches, and studies, as the University is abounded with these innovations, to preserve this national achievement and make a paradigm shift in the community.
President Al-Zubaidi urged leadership of the university, to redouble the efforts in updating and upgrading its curricula and syllabuses to cope up with the rapid scientific development, as well as intensifying the educational and cultural communication with Arab, regional and international High universities to benefit from their experience and expertise to revive the process of scientific research aimed at advancing, developing and polishing up the creative and innovative methods.
For his part, Dr. Al-Khadr Lasuar, for his own and on behalf of the Council of the University, and all its members, expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to President Al-Zubaidi for his intensive keenness and continuous following-up of the university’s situation, valuing his constant support for its chancellor and Council to academically and administratively to be advanced and improved.