South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Gets Briefed on Workflow of RBMF

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), was briefed on workflow in the Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund (RBMF) in the Capital, Aden, when his excellency met today, Saturday, with Eng. Muein Al-Mas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RBMF.

President Al-Zubaidi listened to a brief explanation from Eng. Al-Mass about the projects implemented by the RBMF in the field of road maintenance, the mechanisms of dealing with implementing contractors in light of fluctuations in the currency exchange rate, in addition to the difficulties that have hindered the implementation of some projects, and ways to solve such challenges.

President Al-Zubaidi praised the RBMF’s works on the main roads in the Capital, Aden, and other governorates, which greatly facilitated the smooth movement of citizens, highlighting the need to intensify the efforts during the upcoming period towards projects of highest priority for society in its field of jurisdictions and to coordinate with relevant authorities in the government and donors to provide the necessary funding for such fields.

For his part, Mr. Al-Mas expressed his thanks to President Al-Zubaidi for his continued support, following up on the progress of its work, and readiness to ease any difficulties hindering the implementation of certain projects, stressing that the RBMF’s management is keen to accomplish all the entrusted tasks within its jurisdictions despite weak revenues and fluctuations in economic conditions.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Emad Mohammed, Office Head of the Vice President of the PLC.

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