South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Gets Briefed on Workflow of Shabwah LLEB

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), was briefed on the workflow of the Local Leadership Executive Body (LLEB) of the STC in Shabwah Governorate and its districts.

This came during his meeting on Wednesday, with Sheikh Lahmar bin Ali Laswad, Head of the LLEB, where his excellency listened to a comprehensive briefing on the overall situation in the governorate, the programs and plans of the LLEB and the LLEBs in the districts for the next phase, and the obstacles facing their workflow and ways that would contribute to solving them.

During the meeting, which was attended by Brigadier General Kamal Hamshari, a member of the STC’s Presidium and Acting Secretary-General, the President affirmed his support for the LLEB in Shabwah and his readiness to ease any difficulties it faces, stressing the need for the LLEBs to coordinate their work with the local authorities in the governorate and districts in a way that maintains the stability of the governorate and enhances the development efforts led by Governor Sheikh Awad Ben Al-Wazir Al-Awlaqi.

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