President Al-Zubaidi Gets Briefed on Workflow of YICOM

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), met today, Thursday, with Dr. Abdullah Nasser Omair, Executive Director of Yemen Investment Company for Oil and Minerals (YICOM), and Eng. Ahmed Al-Wali, Director of the Mining Department and supervisor of the company’s subsidiaries.
President Al-Zubaidi was briefed by Dr. Omair and Eng. Al-Wali on the workflow at YICOM, its programs and plans to reactivate and develop the oil, gas, and mineral sectors, and the studies conducted by the company to create attractive investment opportunities in the oil and mineral sectors.
Similarly, President Al-Zubaidi listened during the meeting, which was attended by Dr. Mohammad Matash, senior adviser to YICOM, to a brief explanation of the company’s accomplishments in the stages of the cooking gas production project to contribute to covering the local market and the remaining stages to start production.
The meeting touched on the YICOM’s preparations to hold a promotional workshop for mining, as President Al-Zubaidi stressed, in this respect, the importance of inviting expertise and specialists to participate in this workshop, explaining the investment opportunities and advantages available in this sector, and providing all facilities for those wishing to invest in it.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Emad Mohammed, Office Head of the Vice President of the PLC.