President Al-Zubaidi Holds Meeting with Assembly’s Administrative Body

President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), held a meeting at the STC’s headquarters in the capital, Aden, on Tuesday evening with the administrative body of the National Assembly of the STC.
At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by Major General Ahmed Saeed ben Brik, Chairman of the Assembly, members of the STC’s Presidium such as Mr. Lutfi Shatara, lawyer Niran Souqi and deputies of the Chairman of the Assembly, Eng. Adnan Al-Kaf, Mr. Salem Thabet Al-Awlaqi, and Dr. Anis Luqman, deputy of the Chairman of the Assembly, the president reviewed the latest developments related to the cause of the South, and what the STC’s leadership has accomplished in its foreign tour to boost endeavours to end the war and bring peace, mobilize international support for the cause of the South to be resolved with a just solution that meets the aspirations of our people and never tramples upon their sacrifices.
In the context of his speech, President Al-Zubaidi discussed a range of topics and issues, foremost of which is the process of restructuring, upgrading, updating, and expanding STC, its documents, and its bodies, asserting that this procedure has become a virtue of necessity to keep pace with successive political and field developments and as per the goal for which the STC was established as an umbrella for all Southerners, with their various affiliations and orientations, without exclusion or sidelining.
Furthermore, the President stressed the need for the committees of the National Assembly to properly perform their role in monitoring and following up on the work of the STC’s bodies, to evaluate, correct, and ensure the effectiveness of their performance and work.
After that, President Al-Zubaidi listened to several interventions and topics related to the STC’s activities and organizational and political work in the past period and replied to them.
It is worth mentioning that Major General Ahmed Saeed ben Brik opened the meeting with a brief speech, in which he congratulated President Al-Zubaidi on the month of Ramadan on behalf of the heads, deputies, and members of the administrative body, presented the outcomes of the last meeting of the administrative body, and expressed gratitude for his keenness to meet with members of the body and listen to them.