President Al-Zubaidi inaugurates training and rehabilitation sector of the National Southern Media Authority

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital
The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, inaugurated today, Tuesday, the training and rehabilitation sector of the National Southern Media Authority.
President Al-Zubaidi toured the sector’s departments and listened from Dr. Abdullah Awad Al-Haw, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector at the National Southern Media Authority, to a full explanation of the performance of the various departments in the sector.
President Al-Zubaidi praised the efforts made to establish this sector, stressing the important role it plays in graduating southern media cadres, and providing them with the necessary skills to keep pace with the rapid development witnessed in this field, as well as contributing to the development of the performance of southern media institutions in general.
President Al-Zubaidi was accompanied at the opening by Mr. Ali Al-Katheer, the official spokesman of the Southern Transitional Council, Chairman of the National Media Authority, member of the Presidency of the Transitional Council, and Dr. Mona Bashraheel, member of the Council Presidency, and Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Vice- Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, head of the radio and television sector, and members of the National Southern Media Authority.