South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Inspects Educational Process Workflow at the Supreme Military Academy in the Capital, Aden

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zoubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), paid today, Saturday, an inspection visit to the Supreme Military Academy in the capital, Aden, during which his excellency inspected the academy’s faculties and departments and the educational process workflow. The President was received by the minister of defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Da’eri, and the acting dean of the academy, Major General Hussein Ateeq.

During the visit, in which his excellency was accompanied by Major General Haitham Qassem Taher, a member of the STC’s Presidium and Chairman of the Supreme Military and Security Committee, President Al-Zubaidi attended part of the open viva voce examinations of the theses submitted by a number of students at the Command and Staff College to obtain a master’s degree.

In his inspection visit, President Al-Zubaidi lauded the great efforts exerted by the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Da’eri, to restore educational institutions and the military academy, as well as the efforts made by the academy’s deanship to promote the educational process to ensure the graduation of well-qualified military leaders armed with modern military sciences.

At the end of the visit, President Al-Zubaidi congratulated the graduates from the academy, expressing his admiration for the topics of the theses they submitted to obtain the master’s degree, their realism, and the range of solutions they have recommended to overcome the challenges facing the military institution.

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