South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi issues decision of the formation of external southern dialogue team

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, issued Resolution No. 33 of 2021 regarding the formation of an external southern dialogue team.

The decision included the following articles:

Article (1): An external Southern Dialogue team shall be formed including the following:

Murad Ali Mohammad Al-Halimi – Head of the team

Ahmed Omar Bin Farid – Deputy Head of the team

Dr.. Saleh Mohsen Al-Hajj – Member

Dr.. Ali Nasser Haidara Al-Zamki – Member

Dr.. Saeed Salem Saeed Al-Jariri – Member

Dr.. Nazneen Ahmed Omar Abdulaziz – Member

Abdul Salam Qasim Mossad – Member

Dr.. Ali Saleh Ali Abu Shama – Member

Abdul Karim Ahmed Saeed – Member

Adel Sadiq Mohsen Al-Shabhi – Member

Abdel Nasser Saleh Mohammed Al-Jori – Member

Article (2): The team is tasked with conducting consultations and dialogues with the elites, personalities and southern components abroad.

Article (3): The team works according to an action plan approved by the President of the Council, and submits periodic reports on the results of consultations and dialogues to the President.

Article (4): The team may seek the assistance of whoever it deems appropriate from among the southern legal persons, or from the members of the National Assembly and the heads of the southern communities abroad.

Article (5): This decision shall be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be published on the Southern Transitional Council’s media.

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