South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Meets with the Southern Union for Integrity, Transparency, and Anti-Corruption

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), met today, Tuesday, with the administrative body of the Southern Union for Integrity, Transparency, and Anti-Corruption, headed by Mr. Fadi Baoum, a member of the STC’s Presidium.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi praised the national spirit embodied by the youth and their initiative to form the union and their sense of responsibility towards their homeland, stressing the importance of their role in strengthening the principles of integrity, transparency, and anti-corruption in all state institutions by assisting the judiciary and specialized public prosecutors, as well as the Central Organization for Control and Auditing (COCA) and the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC), and supporting them in uncovering corruption and holding accountable anyone proven to be involved.

President Al-Zubaidi emphasized the need to differentiate between the voluntary work of the union and government tasks, explaining that the union’s role is limited to monitoring and following up on corruption files and referring them to the relevant authorities. Moreover, his excellency highlighted the importance of adhering to honesty, integrity, and objectivity in conveying information, verifying sources, and collecting conclusive evidence when reporting any corruption to ensure the success of the initiative.

President Al-Zubaidi then listened to a detailed explanation from the head and members of the Union about the issues and files that the Union is working on, and a number of constructive visions and proposals aimed at improving the work of the Union and strengthening its role in combating corruption.

In turn, the head and members of the Union expressed their deep gratitude and appreciation to President Al-Zubaidi for his support of their efforts and encouragement of their initiative, affirming that they will be a strong support to the judiciary, public prosecutors, and COCA and SNACC in carrying out their tasks in combating corruption and promoting the principles of integrity and transparency.

The meeting was attended by Brigadier General Pilot Nasser Al-Saadi, Head of the Community Commission assisting the Presidium of the STC, and Mr. Imad Mohammed, Director of the Office of the Vice President of the PLC.

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