South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Offers Condolences to Security Head of the STC, Brigadier General Ahmed Hassan, over Martyrdom of his Son

President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), sent a cable of condolence and sympathy to Brigadier General Ahmed Hassan Al-Marhabi, Head of the Security Department of the STC, over the martyrdom of his son Mohammad in a treacherous terrorist bombing that targeted a car he was driving on Friday afternoon in the capital, Aden.

In the cable of condolences, the President expressed his sincere condolences and great sympathy to Brigadier General Ahmed Hassan, his family members, and all his relatives, and shared sorrows with them over this painful and major loss.

The President asserted that the terrorist organizations resorting to these cowardly methods by targeting innocent civilians confirms the state of disarray in which these organizations and the forces that stand behind them and finance them are now living as a result of the painful blows inflicted on them by our armed and security forces throughout the past period.

In the condolences, the President reiterated that such cowardly and despicable terrorist acts will never deter our southern armed forces from conducting their sacred duty in confronting this scourge of terrorism and those who stand behind it and finance it, and they are in an open battle until eradicating the roots of terrorism and eliminating it from all parts of our beloved southern homeland.

To the end of the cable of condolences, the president prayed to Allah the Almighty to bestow His vast mercy on the martyr Mohammed, abode him in His paradise, and grant patience and solace to his family, relatives, and true-lovers.

“Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him do we return.”

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