South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Participates in Summit of Political Forum for Sustainable Development

On Sidelines of Participation in 78th Session of the UNGA..

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), participated today, Monday, with Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, Chairman of the PLC, in the summit of the Political Forum for Sustainable Development held at the UN headquarters in New York, in the presence of Heads of State and Government under the auspices of the General Assembly.

During the forum, the level of implementation of the United Nations 2030 agenda was reviewed to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and reach an action-oriented political declaration “with the aim of accelerating international action to improve people’s lives and reinvigorating the sense of hope, optimism, and enthusiasm that characterized the adoption of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda”, with a focus on poverty, hunger, issues of pollution, education, and illiteracy.

It is worth mentioning that President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi arrived in New York City in the United States of America, along with the Chairman of the PLC, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, to participate in the work of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where his excellency is scheduled to hold a series of high-level meetings with a number of UN officials and high-ranking state delegations of participating countries within the framework of efforts and endeavours to end the war and bring peace to the country and the entire region.

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