South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Pays Inspection Visit to Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (LPC), paid on Thursday an inspection visit to the main building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries in the capital, Aden.

Upon his arrival at the ministry, President Al-Zubaidi was received by Major General Salem Abdullah Al-Soqatri, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries, and a number of the ministry’s officials and staff, where the president toured around the passages of the main building and was briefed on the workflow in specialized departments and administrations after the modernization process witnessed by the ministry’s main office during the past period.

Furthermore, President Al-Zubaidi held a meeting with the ministry’s officials and its administrative and technical staff and listened to a satisfied explanation from them about the projects implemented by the ministry in the agricultural and fish sectors in the capital, Aden, and all governorates, and the studies and research conducted by the ministry through its specialized centres to develop the work of these two vital sectors, as well as the difficulties encountered by the staff of the ministry in the various work sectors.

In addition to that, the president lauded the immense efforts made by the leadership and employees of the ministry to reactivate its work and lift it out of the difficult situation it went through after the war, highlighting that the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries is one of the most important gross revenue ministries, and its sectors are directly related to boosting food security in the country and the standard of living for citizens and their daily victuals.

Likewise, the president stressed the importance of intensifying efforts during the upcoming period in terms of communicating with international organizations and funds supporting the agricultural and fish sectors to provide the necessary funding for projects included in the ministry’s plans, especially sustainable ones, and working to find effective marketing plans that ensure the availability of agricultural and fish products in the local markets at prices that take into account the purchasing power of citizens.

It is worth mentioning that the president started his visit to the Ministry’s main office by inspecting the fishing port and the ongoing work to lift the derelict vessels in the vicinity of the port, as well as the disembarkation of the cargoes of livestock and fish ships in the port, emphasizing the speedy completion of lifting the hulls of the derelict vessels as per the legal procedures followed, so that the port returns to full capacity as soon as possible.

At the end of the visit, the officials and employees of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries expressed their thanks to President Al-Zubaidi for this paid visit to the main building of the ministry and his keenness to follow up on its workflow, pointing out that the second paid visit to the ministry within a short period indicates the great interest that his Excellency attaches to the ministry, its staff, and its important economic role.

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