President Al-Zubaidi Pays Inspection Visit to the HC Headquarters

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), paid a visit on Sunday to inspect the workflow in the House of Commons (HC) of the STC (the National Assembly and the Council of Advisors).
During his visit, in which his excellency was received by Mr. Essam Abdo Ali, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly, and Mr. Ahmed Al-Rubaizi, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Advisors, President Al-Zubaidi toured the offices of the National Assembly and the Council of Advisors and listened to a detailed explanation from Abdo Ali and Al-Rubaizi of what has been accomplished at the level of the annual plan and the efforts made to translate the outcomes of the founding meeting of the HC to strengthen the institutional work of the STC.
At the end of the visit, the President highlighted the need to intensify efforts to complete the remaining adequate equipment and supplies at the headquarters of the HC so that the National Assembly and the Council of Advisors can fully exercise their organizational duties and enhance supervisory and legislative work within the framework of the STC.
President Al-Zubaidi was accompanied on his visit by Mr. Imad Mohammed Ahmed, Office Director of the Vice Chairman of the PLC.