President Al-Zubaidi Performs Eid Al-Adha Prayer in Ma’asheeq-Presidential Palace

The president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Deputy head of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), on Saturday, along with Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, head of the PLC, performed Eid Al-Adha Prayer, at the presidential palace in Ma’asheeq, the capital Aden,
The president Al-Zubaidi listened with the country statemen, ministers in the power-sharing government, military and security officers, and officials in the local council of the capital Aden, to the two-sermons of Eid that were delivered by shiekh Ahmed Anees, on gloriousness of the pillar of pilgrimage, in representing the essence of real Islam, the preacher, called on solidarity, cohesion and rapprochement, as a chance to enhance spreading the spirit of love, peace, fraternity and affinity among memebers of the community.
The preacher of Eid congratulated the courageous heroes of the Armed forces picketed in battlefronts with Houthi militias, defending the entire homeland, noting to the importance of finding and asking repeatedly for their concerns, providing the requirements and raising morale, supplicating to the Almighty on these blessing days to bring them the decisive victory
After the two-sermons of Eid, the president Al-Zubaidi communionly exchanged congratulations on Eid-ul-Adha with the head of the PLC and attended officials, praying to the Almighty to return this great occasion with goodness, prosperity and blessings to all, and on the country with development and prosperity.