President Al-Zubaidi praises the strong brotherly relations between our country and Djibouti

The President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, at his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Thursday, received the Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Diaa Said El-Din Bamakhrama. In the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi welcomed Ambassador Bamakhrama, praising the strong and distinguished relations between our country and the Republic of Djibouti, which based on the neighborly and brotherly ties between the two brotherly countries, stressing the keenness of the leadership of the Presidential Leadership Council to strengthen these relations to serve the interests of the two brotherly countries and peoples. President Al-Zubaidi praised the honorable positions of the Republic of Djibouti’s leadership, government and people in supporting our country, and its reception of thousands of citizens fleeing the war ignited by the terrorist Houthi militia, stressing that these positions embody the depth of ties between neighboring brotherly countries. The meeting dealt with a number of issues of common interest, foremost of which is the security of international shipping lanes, combating terrorism and confronting security challenges, in addition to the most prominent political and military developments on the Yemeni arena in light of the Houthi group’s continued intransigence and its failure to respond to calls for peace and its heinous crimes against defenseless civilians throughout the governorates that are still under its control. For his part, Ambassador Bamakhrama conveyed to President Al-Zubaidi the congratulations of the leadership in the Republic of Djibouti on the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council and the success of the Riyadh consultations, and the wishes to the leadership of the council success in its national tasks. Ambassador Bamakhrama reiterated his country’s supportive stance for our country, stressing that the Republic of Djibouti will continue to support the leadership of the Presidential Leadership Council in its efforts to end the conflict and restore security and stability in the country and the region. The meeting was attended by Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, Head of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs of the Transitional Council, and Ali Al-Hadayani, Press Secretary to the President of the Southern Transitional Council.