President Al-Zubaidi receives Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia in Aden the capital

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital
The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, received today, Monday, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia in the capital, Aden, Mr. Abdullah Hashi Shoreh, and the Cultural Attaché at the Somali Embassy, Mr. Omar Sheikh.
At the outset of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi welcomed the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia in the capital, Aden, and the cultural Attaché of the embassy, stressing that the relationship of the Federal Republic of Somalia with the South is distinguished, strong, and solid, with deep roots in history.
President Al-Zubaidi pointed out that there are many commonalities that gather the two brotherly countries and peoples in customs and traditions, as well as their strategic location overlooking the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab, praising the strong brotherly relations between the two countries, and the relations of the two brotherly neighboring peoples.
President Al-Zubaidi noted that the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Somalia is the first embassy to operate in the capital, Aden, on reality, stressing the precedent of the Somali embassy in that, which it’s counted for it, and enhances its presence in the capital, Aden in particular, and the South in general.
President Al-Zubaidi delivered to the Somali ambassador a full explanation of the political and security steps taken by the Southern Transitional Council on the ground, stressing that the council is ready to provide all forms of facilitation, support, and cooperation with the Somali embassy to perform its tasks to the fullest.
President Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of joint cooperation and information exchange between the two countries to confront the current challenges, especially terrorist organizations that pose a great threat to the security and stability of the South and Somalia in particular, and the Arab region in general.
President Al-Zubaidi also wished for the Federal Republic of Somalia, its leadership, government and people more progress, security and stability, stressing that Somalia is steadily moving towards a new stage of peace and stability.
In turn, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia in the capital, Aden, Mr. Abdullah Hashi Shoreh, expressed his great happiness at meeting President Al-Zubaidi, praising the security and political efforts made by the Southern Transitional Council.
Mr. Shoreh also praised the great security stability in the capital, Aden, considering the existence of any security gaps is something normal, as it occurs in most capitals of major countries, and all countries of the world, but Aden does not witness any security gaps except rarely, and with the days they will be overcome, stressing that he witnessed it himself while driving his personal car around the capital, Aden.
Mr. Shoreh called on all international diplomatic missions and international organizations to come to the capital, Aden, and carry out their work and activity from the political capital, Aden, considering that Aden has become stable and safe place to engage in any work or activity.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the Somali ambassador delivered to President Al-Zubaidi a detailed explanation about the embassy’s work in the capital, Aden, and the most important obstacles and difficulties facing the embassy’s work, and how to overcome them in the coming days, through cooperation and coordination with the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council.