South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Receives British Ambassador to Yemen.

The President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, at his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Thursday, received Mr. Richard Oppenheim, British Ambassador to Yemen and his lady assistant,

The president Al-Zubaidi discussed with the British ambassador most issues and developments in the local and regional fields, possible ways to assist the Presidential Leadership Council in reviving the economic situation, reconstruction, and enhancing the security situation in the liberated governorates,

In the meeting, Al-Zubaidi also reviewed the top priorities on the agenda of the Presidential Leadership Council, foremost of which is arranging security and military efforts, reviving the economy, finding solutions to currency collapse, providing services, and rebuilding the capital, Aden.

President Al-Zubaidi assured that the leadership of the Presidential Council is looking forward to an active British role to support efforts to rebuild the capital, Aden, and to consolidate security and stability, in reference to the historical relations that have been uniting the two friendly countries and peoples.

For his part, the British ambassador offered congratulations to the president Al-Zubaidi on the success of Riyadh consultations and the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council, reiterating his country’s position in support of the leadership of the Presidential Council, stressed Britain’s readiness to boost the new leadership in all the steps that will be taken to end the war, restore security and stability to the country, and launch development and reconstruction projects.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji, member of the Presidency of the STC, head of the Negotiations Unit, Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghaithi,head of the General Directorate for Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC, Mr. Imad Mohammed, deputy of office director for the President of STC, Mr. Saleh Ghaleb al-Quaiti, representative of the GDFA, and Mr. Ali al-Hadayani, Press and Media Secretary to the President of the STC

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