South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Reiterates Supporting Leadership of Algawf Governorate to Assume Responsibilities

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and deputy head of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), met on Wednesday with the governor of Algawf Governorate, Major General Hussein Al-Ajji Al-Awadi.

President Al-Zubaidi listened from Major General Al-Awadi to a brief explanation of the situation in Algawf, the people’s suffering resulting from daily violations and inhumane acts practised by the terrorist Houthi militia, and the efforts made by the leadership of the governorate to re-arrange and reposition the military forces and the popular resistance to restore the downtown of the governorate from the grip of the militia.

President Al-Zubaidi reiterated the position of the STC and the PLC in supporting the leadership of Algawf, and their readiness to provide all aspects of assistance to enable them to perform the tasks up to the mark, foremost of which is the liberation of the governorate from the grip of the terrorist Houthi militia.

To the end of the meeting, Major General Al-Awadi expressed his sincere thanks for the great support provided by President Al-Zubaidi, and the PLC to the leadership of Algawf, affirming the readiness of all military units and the supporting forces like the popular resistance in Algawf to execute the command’s orders to liberate the governorate in case the peaceful and diplomatic efforts with the Houthi militia have reached a dead end.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, director of the General Directorate for Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC and head of the Consultation and Reconciliation Committee of the PLC, and Mr. Imad Mohammed, office director of the deputy head of the PLC.

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