President Al-Zubaidi reviews readiness of combat axes and units of Southern Armed Forces

SMA News – Aden the capital
The President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Commander Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi, chaired on Saturday, an extended meeting with the southern military and security leaders.
At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by a number of the members of the Presidency of the Council, President Al-Zubaidi greeted the members of the Southern Armed Forces on all battlefronts, praising the heroic exploits and the great sacrifices they make to defend the South and protect its security and stability.
President Al-Zubaidi stressed the need to take precautions and raise the level of combat readiness, noting the importance of the stage that the South and its just cause are going through.
President Al-Zubaidi called on all southern people to cooperate with the members of the southern armed forces to facilitate the process of securing Aden the capital in particular, and the southern governorates in general.
The meeting reviewed the level of readiness for military and security units and combat axes of the Southern Armed Forces, and their preparation to combat terrorist organizations, and to face all conspiracies targeting the security and stability of the South, and all attempts to undermine the cause of the people of the South, and their right to restore their free and fully sovereign state over their entire national territory.
The meeting also valued the results achieved during the Eid visit of President Al-Zubaidi, and members of the Presidency and the military leaders, including all southern combat axes and units, which were inaugurated by President Al-Zubaidi on the morning of Eid Al-Fitr, to visit Al-Sabiha axis.
In conclusion, the meeting reaffirmed the need to raise the high security and combat vigilance of all units and combat axes of the Southern Armed Forces to face any challenges in the coming period.