President Al-Zubaidi Reviews Workflow in Auxiliary Commissions of STC

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), chaired on Sunday the periodic meeting of the auxiliary commissions of the Presidium of the STC.
President Al-Zubaidi was briefed on the workflow in the commissions, the mechanisms organizing the tasks of each commission, and ways to enhance coordination between the auxiliary commissions and departments of the General Secretariat, the committees of the National Assembly, and the specialized bodies and centers of the STC.
President Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of intensifying efforts to improve the work of the auxiliary commissions within the scope of their jurisdictions in planning, following up, evaluating, and drawing up general policies for the concerned parties, achieving integration among the auxiliary commissions, and working in a team spirit to serve the policies and orientations of the STC as an inclusive entity representing the people of the South and its national cause.
The meeting also reviewed the completion reports of the auxiliary commissions during the past period, the remaining programs within the framework of their general plans, and the time frame for their implementation in accordance with the tasks and jurisdictions defined by the regulations governing the work of each commission.