President Al-Zubaidi reviews workflow of Restructuring Committee and stresses speedy completion of its tasks

The President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), President Aidaroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi, met on Wednesday, with the restructuring committee of STC.
The meeting was attended by members of STC’s Presidency, Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Chairman of the National Assembly, Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General, and Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, in addition to Dr. Saleh Mohsen Al-Hajj, Head of the Internal Southern National Dialogue Team, and Mr. Anis Al-Sharafi, Deputy Head of STC’s General Directorate For Foreign Affairs, i which President Al-Zubaidi listened from the Head of the Restructuring Committee, Mr. Mohsen Obeid, and the members of the Committee, to an explanation of what has been accomplished in the restructuring process, with regard to the general structure, articles of association, regulations, tasks and specializations, and the results of its evaluation of the work of the staff.
President Al-Zubaidi praised the great efforts made by the committee from the moment it was assigned, and the advanced steps it took to complete the process of restructuring STC and completing the construction of its bodies, stressing in the context the need to complete the remaining tasks as soon as possible.
During the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi reaffirmed that the process of STC’s restructuring has become an inevitable necessity to keep pace with the developments of the stage and develop its work, through the infusion of new young blood capable of giving, strengthening it with competent, specialized and experienced staff, and updating its regulations and documents to accommodate the political components wishing to integrate into the framework of the STC, as the entity that embraces all the people of the South with their various affiliations.
The meeting discussed the criteria and foundations set by the committee for the process of replacement and renewal of the leadership and functional cadre of the central bodies of STC, and the executive bodies in the governorates and districts, foremost of which are the standards of competence, professionalism, educational qualification, age, ability to give, and the mechanisms and objective foundations on which it relied in this aspect.
At the end of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi instructed the committee to go to the National Assembly and meet with its administrative body, and inform it of the regulations and systems that the committee accomplished during the last period in relation to the reorganization of STC’s bodies, and the completion of its organizational structure.