South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi sends condolences in the death of South National Personal Suleiman Al Kathiri

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, sent a cable of condolences and sympathy on the death of the southern national personal, Suleiman Saleh Al-Kathiri, who passed away on Monday evening in the capital, Aden.

President Al-Zubaidi expressed his sincere condolences and great sympathy to the sons and all family of the deceased, sharing with them their sorrows, and praying to the Almighty Allah that this be the last of their sorrows.

President Al-Zubaidi praised the great struggle roles of the deceased, pointing out that the deceased was one of the founders of the Southern Movement after the unjust war of the summer of 1994 against the South, and one of the national struggling men who were distinguished by their solid stances.

President Al-Zubaidi confirmed that the south has lost with the departure of Suleiman Saleh Al-Kathiri, one of its loyal men, and lost a personality characterized by loyalty and asceticism, and his spirit full of founding the Southern Movement, as the late embodied the best image of sacrifice through his great contribution in the march of the Southern Movement without hesitation.

At the conclusion of his cable, President Al-Zubaidi prayed to Almighty Allah to bestow mercy and forgiveness on the deceased, to dwell his soul in paradise, and to inspire his family and relatives patience and solace.

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