South Arabia

President Al-Zubaidi Stresses Importance of Russian role in Regional Peacemaking

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the deputy head of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), received at his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Wednesday, Mr. Yevgeny Kodrov, the acting ambassador of the Russian Federation to Yemen.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi welcomed the Russian Chargé d’Affairs, reviewing with him the strong historical relations between the South and the Russian Federation and highlighting in the context the importance of the pivotal role of Russia in peacemaking efforts in our country due to its presence at the regional level.

The two sides discussed international endeavours aimed at extending the truce between legitimacy and the Houthi militia, as well as regional and international peacemaking efforts through a comprehensive peace process that accommodates the changes on the ground and puts in its priorities the aspirations of our people in the South and their right to self-determination.

Similarly, they reviewed the results achieved by the Southern Armed Forces against terrorist organizations during the two military operations ” Arrows of the South” and “Arrows of the East,” in which our armed forces liberated the most prominent strongholds of al-Qaeda in the governorate of Abyan. In this context, the ambassador praised the victories achieved by the Southern Forces in the field of combating terrorism, affirming that these victories will be an important factor in the consolidation of security and stability in the region.

In the meeting, the Russian Chargé d’Affaires reiterated his country’s position in supporting endeavours to end the war and establish peace, affirming that Russia will spare no effort in pushing for peace and a comprehensive and lasting political solution.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, director of the General Directorate for Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC and head of the Consultation and Reconciliation Committee of the PLC, Mr. Imad Mohammed, office director of the deputy head of the PLC, Mr. Saleh Al-Quaiti, representative of GDFA; and, from the Russian side, the two attachés of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Yemen, Mr. Pavel Korolov, and Ms. Julia Chisanova.

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