President Al-Zubaidi Underscores Getting Urgent Solutions to Electricity Crisis in the Capital, Aden

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), has underscored the importance of finding quick solutions to the power supply in the capital, Aden.
In the meeting, which took place at the Presidential Palace in Ma’ashiq area on Saturday morning and was attended by the Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Minister of Electricity, Eng. Manea bin Yamin, and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Mohammad Omar Banaja, General Manager of the National Bank, and Dr. Ahmed bin Sankar, President Al-Zubaidi asserted that the deteriorating situation of electricity in the capital, Aden, has poised the biggest ever power cuts as people are experiencing rolling blackouts and severe effects of bitterly hot temperatures and humidity that can no longer be borne, indicating that this severe situation requires concerted efforts to alleviate the suffering of citizens and ensure the supply of service within its acceptable limits.
During the meeting, a range of urgent solutions to increase the generating capacity of the power supply were reviewed, as were coordination mechanisms between the Ministry of Electricity, the Central Bank, and the National Bank to provide the required funds to fulfill the obligations arising therefrom.
At the end of the meeting, President Al-Zubaidi directed the Ministry of Electricity, the local authority in the capital, Aden, the Central Bank, and the National Bank to immediately start implementing the mechanism to enhance the generating capacity of energy, to benefit from all available expertise and capabilities, and to raise any difficulties that may hinder their workflow while facilitating and resolving such challenges in a way that guarantees energy service improvement and stability as soon as possible.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Emad Mohammed, Office Head of the Vice President of the PLC.