President Al-Zubaidi: “We have a just cause, a national dogma and a determination to restore our State at all cost”

The president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, on Tuesday, stressed that the goal of restructering the STC is to boost the performance and activities of STC’s bodies, vitalizing its role in line with developments of the stage, to get ready to fulfill the upcoming entitlements, and ensure achieving the aspirations of the South and its people.
The president Al-Zubaidi mentioned in his speech at the opening of the workshop dedicated to “Developing and Upgrading Structures of the STC”, which was held on Tuesday, that the STC is the harvest of immense efforts and accumulated strivings of all forces of the Peaceful Movement and the Southern Resistance, and it has become a necessity to move from the revolutionary action to the stage of State-building.
The president pointed out that the upcoming stage requires modernizing and developing work mechanisms, boosting performance, putting an end to interchangeable duality and conflicting tasks of certain departments and committees, as well as organizing and defining the tasks to comply with requirements of the stage.
The president added in addressing participants in the workshop: “Now, you are burdened a high responsibility; represented in developing the orgnizational structures of the STC at the first stage, revising its orgnizational regulations in the second stage, reaching the third stage in which the position of the leaders will be arranged; each as per the expertise, skills, major and performance”.
To the end of his speech, the president Al-Zubaidi stated that “We have a just cause, a national dogma and a determination to restore our State at all cost; however, it does not pardon us from assuming our responsibility up to the full under no circumstances and we are going to keep it up on this path; one hand dedicated to construction while the other engaged in physical combat”