President Al-Zubaidi: With demise of prominent figure “Abu-Bakr Badheeb” South lost wise thinker and experienced politician
The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, sent a cable of condolences and sympathy to Dr. Waed Abdullah Badheeb, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, on death of his uncle, the well-known national figure, Abu-Bakr Abdul Razzaq Badheeb, who passed away at dawn on Saturday, after a life full of giving.
In the telegram, President Al-Zubaidi, expressed his deepest condolences and great sympathy to Dr. Waed Badheeb, the son of the deceased, Yasar Abu-Bakr Abdul Razzaq Badheeb, and his brothers, and all the Badheeb family, and shared their sorrows with them in this painful affliction.
In his telegram, President Al-Zubaidi listed the struggle and patriotic roles played by the deceased since the outbreak of the southern revolution against the British colonialist on October 14, 1963, and his remarkable contributions in laying solid foundations for the state of the South after independence on November 30, 1967, stressing that with his departure the South lost a prominent fighter and a wise thinker, and an experienced politician is in dire need of him at this important juncture.
At the conclusion of his telegram, President Al-Zubaidi prayed to the Almighty Allah to bless the deceased with the vastness of mercy and forgiveness, to dwell his soul in paradise, and to inspire his family and relatives patience and solace.