President of Transitional Council chairs meeting to discuss deteriorating economic situation in South

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital
The President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidaroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi, chaired on Tuesday, an important meeting that included the Chairman and members of the Economic Committee, and the economic and legal departments and committees of the General Secretariat and the National Assembly of the Council, and a number of cadres and leaders of the Southern Transitional Council.
The meeting was attended by members of the Presidency, Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, Eng. Nizar Haitham, Head of the Southern Transitional Council Executive in Aden the capital, and the Advisor to President Al-Zubaidi for Economic Affairs Dr. Abdul Salam Humaid, in which the meeting discussed the deteriorating economic situation and the current crises. that the patient southern people suffer from due to the accelerating economic collapse, deterioration of services, delayed payment of salaries, and the systematic policy of group punishment practiced by influential forces in the hierarchy of the Yemeni presidency.
The meeting touched on the previous call by the Southern Transitional Council to the government of parity to urgently return to Aden the capital, to carry out its duties and fulfill its duties and obligations towards the citizens who live in great tragic situations in light of the unjustified absence of the government.
During the meeting, President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi stressed that the Southern Transitional Council senses the suffering of the people of the south, and lives their pain, stands firmly with them, and adopts their legitimate demands, indicating that the Southern Transitional Council, with all its capabilities, will be on the side of the proud southern people.
President Al-Zubaidi, called on all state institutions and security agencies in the capital Aden and the southern governorates, to actively stand by the citizens and carry out their duties, and to harness all available resources to alleviate the suffering of the people of the south, and lift the burden off their shoulders.
President Al-Zubaidi affirmed that the Southern Transitional Council will not stand idly by on the suffering of our southern people, and that it will have a firm and decisive stance to ensure that our southern people have a decent life by securing the basic needs and requirements of security and stability.